Tour.JS is a javascript library for guiding users through your app.
Easily create advanced tours with text, links, buttons and custom scripts!

Tour.JS is a javascript library for guiding users through your app.
Easily create advanced tours with text, links, buttons and custom scripts!
Tour.JS is really easy to install! You only have to include jQuery, Tour.JS and a tour theme.
Do you want to customize the tour containers? You can just download another theme, edit the style sheet to make your own theme, or edit the tour container via Javascript!
You can easily add a timer to a step. After the set amount of time, the next step will appear.
You can easily position each step because of hooks. Just set the hook to a class or id and Tour.JS will automatically position the step!
With the onShow and onHide fields on the step object, you can easily add custom scripts when the step appears or disappears! The possibilities are endless!