June 18, 2015
08:00 AM
June 18, 2015
Kathmandu, Nepal

Connor Hartigan
Web & UI Designer

Jacob Lennon
Front-End Developer

Didier Mailly

Miguel Cunha Ferreira
Sales Manager

Eric Yuriev
App Developer

Theodore Clark
Project Manager

MaYunAlibaba Boss
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Suscipit veniam quisquam, rem illum dicta cumque, voluptate fugiat impedit beatae rerum ratione, voluptates nisi magni delectus ab.
I have been using the following assets to build this design
roboto for typography
jquery for design/ui
ionicons for icons
ui faces for avatar
animate.css for animation
concept of design for layout for background
I'm glad for using these resources and expecting same as time ahead