jQuery鼠标跟随星星特效插件 A jQuery "Magic" animation plugin

	image_path: 'images'  

Example 1: White

This example illustrates "white" style. As you can see we do not specify any parameters, so style and frequency are set to "white" and "12" automatically.

	image_path: 'images'  

Example 2: Blue

This one illustrates "blue" style.

Also we increased frequency a bit.

	image_path: 'images',
	style: 'blue',
	frequency: 15

	image_path: 'images',
	style: 'yellow',
	frequency: 20

Example 3: Yellow

This example illustrates "yellow" style.

And the frequency is set to max value.

	image_path: 'images',
	style: 'yellow',
	frequency: 20

Example 4: Red

This example illustrates "red" style.

The frequency is low here, so the stars shine rarely.

	image_path: 'images',
	style: 'red',
	frequency: 5

	image_path: 'images',
	style: 'green'

Example 5: Green

This example illustrates "green" style.

	image_path: 'images',
	style: 'green'

Example 6: Red

Our plugin has tricky mode - to show all stars colors randomly.

You should use style "rand" for this feature.

	image_path: 'images',
	style: 'rand'

Customize the image

You can try to prepare your own asset to display different image instead of stars.

To do that you should make a sprite of 9 images, each next part is differ from previous with 40 degrees angle.

Let's try how candy cane looks... It will be good for Xmas eve :)

	image_path: 'images',
	image: 'candy-cane-stars.png',
	style: 'white',
	width: 34,
	height: 34,
	delay: 700,
	frequency: 5